FACT: Successful change flows from a clear and compelling reason to change.


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A change narrative captures your reasons to change in three to five concise, powerful statements that can be easily retold in an organization. In doing this, it reinforces key messages and builds a shared desire for change. Using this 13-page tool, create a compelling narrative that develops a shared sense of urgency and desire for change, while also articulating actionable next steps. Work with others to create this narrative to mobilize the power of collective vision and action.

The Change Narrative tool helps leaders articulate:

  • Why change?
  • What is your change vision?
  • What specifically is changing?

“Change narratives are an imperative to mobilizing action. The use of storytelling creates cohesion, clarity, and inspires change.” – Jill Hinson


Have us facilitate a change workshop using the Change Narrative.

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